Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cage Fights

The boys will fight and Amelia will watch-only way to be safe is to have a baby gate in place.

Long Black Hair

Whoever says there is no difference between boy and girl babies are lying!!  Unless their girls don't have hair :)

This is what happens when Mommy is still asleep and Daddy is left to his own devices.
Yes that's a chip clip in her hair.

9 months

Amelia turned 9 months on July 13th.  She should seem bigger to me but she doesn't, she's my baby!!
The best place take pictures is in natural light-which I don't get a lot or at all in our house.  But there was some small light under the window in the living room.....let the pictures begin.

That's a nine on her "shirt" but you can't see it.  It's the thought.

Things Amelia loves-SADII!!!!

She's obsessed with her.

Amelia + Sadii = LOVE but it's one sided.

Laughing her ass off at Mommy-I'm very funny!