Sunday, May 20, 2012

7 Months

Amelia turned 7 months on the 13th of May.  It seems like it came fast but slow all at the same time.  She is "sleeping/crying" through the night, moving on to stage 2 foods, and trying to attempt crawling.

 Her hair is long enough for a high pony which she rocks like a pro.

Completed Fence

The fence only took 2 weeks to complete, by professionals, and makes us realize it was 7 years late.  It feels great to have a real back yard with real privacy.

Bring it on summer!!!

Peruvian Dance

Yolanda hosted a mother's day cook out on Saturday, May 12, which included amazing Purevian food and drinks and lots of dancing.  The best dancer was Daniellitos!!!  He looked like a Spanish dancer showing everyone how its done.  Daniel's partner was Clara, she was so cute.  Max also showed us his moves.  Yolanda had a dance teacher  come and teach the morning kids a traditional Peruvian dance.  Since Alexzander is in school he wasn't able learn the dance but had no problem cheering on his brother.

It was another example of how awesome Yolanda is and how lucky we are she takes care of our kids while we are at work.  I'm working on a video, I'll post once it's done.